Net One Click provides full service outsourced marketing services to small to midsize medical practices. Our Platform Marketing System focuses on strategic development of core assets that provide our clients with a unique competitive advantage to develop, engage, and acquire patients for life. We have developed a unique and proprietary system called Patient Promoter for generating 5-star reviews for medical practices as well as a low-cost website design hosting experience that delivers high quality websites for medical practices. Learn more

Facebook Marketing

Facebook for Business: Are You Ready?

Facebook is great. Not because there are more than 840 million active users on the site or that 50% of those users logon every single day. These stats are difficult to ignore and easy to get excited about. But I’m talking about the fact that you can engage with your customer base through a Facebook…

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies for Generating Lower Cost Leads

Blogging and social media are no longer the preserve of people discussing their personal hobbies. They have surpassed both search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click advertising (PPC) as lower cost strategies for getting new leads. If you’re looking for marketing strategies that lower your costs for generating leads, you must start integrating these…

Engage Customers

5 Strategies to Keep Up Your Hustle and Engage Customers

The Internet continues to be the ultimate Rubik’s Cube of marketing.  Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, tools such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, Groupon, Foursquare, and Twitter have become giant headaches for marketers. They have all introduced fierce competition for the attention of our customers and prospects in ways we couldn’t imagine. For…