lang="en-US"> The Marketing Side of Medicine
Net One Click : Medical Marketing Systems

The Marketing Side of Medicine

Marketing Medicine

As a medical provider your first priority is the patient. You’ve invested time and money in your education and have cultivated your practice reputation. When it comes to marketing how much do you really know about getting new patients beyond sending out a postcard or placing an ad in a local magazine?

There’s a reason why most practices struggle with marketing. You’re a doctor! You are not supposed to be an expert in marketing. But you are supposed to be conscious enough to know that you should hire an expert to help you.

Where are you in the marketing spectrum?

If you’re in any point to the left of the Driving position then you need help. The survival of the practice depends on having satisfied patients who will talk about you and refer you to family and friends.

What’s missing?

The marketing manager should be seeing marketing as a holistic integrated process that supports your entire practice. You can’t ignore . . .

. . . Search engines

77% of people looking for health information start with a search on Google or Bing.

. . . Social Media

51% of patients say they’d feel more valued as a patient when doctors use social media, blogs, and other digital engagement outlets.

. . . Website Content

Healthcare companies who blog see a 55% increase in website traffic.

. . . Online Reviews

88% of consumers say they trust online reviews.

If you’re not paying attention to the different activities and tools you should be using to build your practice then you’re missing out on big opportunities. These activities are an investment into the future of the practice.

Call us today to talk more about your marketing program and how we can help you get new patients – 844-463-8663.

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