lang="en-US"> Should I Stop Marketing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Net One Click : Medical Marketing Systems

Should I Stop Marketing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Marketing during covid

We currently find ourselves in an unprecedented situation. COVID-19 has changed and continues to change the lives of everyone. Although it impacts people in different ways, each of us feels its influence. Whether we or people we love have been sick, whether we are now tasked with homeschooling our children, or whether friends or family members have lost jobs, we have felt its impact.

At a time when nobody knows what the world will look like on the other side of this pandemic, it’s only natural for things like marketing to drop off of our radar. It may seem like something that is now pointless, or even inappropriate, in the current environment. The truth is, however, that your patients, employees, and coworkers need you to continue marketing your practice. It will look different that it did before, but with some strategizing and clear messaging, proactively marketing your practice could be the key to staying afloat.

Don’t Stop Marketing? But, Why?

It might seem counterintuitive. At a time when budgets are being stretched and resources are wearing thin, you might look at marketing as an extra cost that you don’t need. There are several reasons why it’s imperative that you continue to maintain a marketing presence.

  1. Your patients trust you and are looking to you for help and guidance. There is a lot of misinformation going around. Be a voice of reason and a sharer of facts to help your community stay educated, informed, and safe.
  2. Your peers may have stopped marketing. The unfortunate truth is that not every practice will survive the economic impacts of coronavirus. Marketing is a way for you to stand out and continue moving forward. It could be what keeps your practice viable.
  3. Digital attention is at an all-time high. Everyone is stuck at home and spending more time on their computers, tablets, and phones. While you might not see immediate conversions, you can use this opportunity to serve people now and gain clients later.

Time to Re-Strategize

The marketing you do now will look different than what you may have done before. In fact, you’ll need to evaluate your existing campaigns and make sure they are still appropriate. Pay attention not only to wording but also to the images being used. Continue to use all of the channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) that you normally do—you just need to shift your messaging.

Now is the time to focus on brand awareness rather than getting new patients through your door. Even though elective procedures aren’t possible right now, people might be researching them for the future. Instead of inviting viewers to “make an appointment,” encourage them to “learn more.”

Above all, be empathetic. Look at all of your media with a critical eye. Photos that were fine a few months ago might look out of place or out of touch right now.

Clear Messaging

Have your regular patient protocols changed because of COVID-19? Many practices are handling the situation differently, from when they suggest patients come into the office to where those patients should wait. Make sure you let your patients know of any process and procedure changes. Have your hours changed? Be sure to update that information everywhere it can be found. That means your website, but also any local listings.

Besides clearly communicating how your operations and policies have changed, go ahead and address coronavirus head-on. On the news it seems there is a lot of disagreement on who to trust regarding COVID-19. A recent poll, however, found that 84 percent of Americans trust information from their public health experts. That’s you!

Providing sound information on the coronavirus is a great way to help your patients and your community right now. Educational material can include information on COVID-19 symptoms, how to stay healthy and fit at home, proper social distancing techniques—anything that can help people keep themselves and their loved ones healthy. There is a lot of misinformation and confusion out there. Take this opportunity to be a local voice of calm and reason.

Try New Things

Now is also the time to try new things for your practice. Are you making telemedicine an option for your patients? If there was ever a time for it, it’s now.

What about webinars, videos, or online question-and-answer sessions? It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just getting out there and letting your patients know that you’re continuing to serve them is the most important thing.

You Are Not Alone

Just as you are reassuring your patients and community that they are not alone, you are not alone, either. If you don’t know what to do, or you simply don’t have time, hire an expert. Now is not the time to sit still and be silent, and it’s also not the time to waste your resources by marketing without a solid strategy.

Do you need help with your updated marketing strategy? Do you have questions about your social media approach or online reviews?

We would love to talk with you about how to manage your marketing during this stressful time.

Click here to request a free marketing blueprint.

We’ll talk through your issues, market presence, and assets and see what’s right for you.

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