lang="en-US"> Harnessing the Power of Generation Z
Net One Click : Medical Marketing Systems

Harnessing the Power of Generation Z

Marketing to Generation Z

Generation Z—otherwise known as digital natives or the Google-it generation. Who are they? And what happened to millennials being the new kids on the block? And do you really need to be spending time thinking about them?

For reference, anyone born between 1996 and 2010 is considered to be part of Generation Z. That means it is comprised of young people between the ages of 10 and 24. That means it’s made up of people who are, for the first time, choosing their own doctors as they venture out into the world and start their own families.

So, the answer to that question of whether you really need to spend time thinking about them is a resounding YES! Generation Z is the future of your practice, and they are not like any generation that has come before.

They Read Reviews

Generation Z has never known a world that’s not completely connected. They have never lived without computers or smart phones. When they are ready to buy a new product or choose a new service, they get online and do research. A whopping 86 percent of Gen Z read reviews before making an online purchase, more so than any previous generation.

As more of Generation Z transitions into adulthood, the online reviews of your practice will matter more and more. It’s impossible to ignore 65 million people, nearly all of whom are looking at Yelp, Facebook, and Google to assess whether you’re the right choice for them.

They Write Reviews

Not only do they read a lot of online reviews, but they also write a lot of them. According to Adweek, 27 percent of Gen Z say they always write a review after a purchase, and 37 percent say that they write one most of the time.

This is great for you! It’s a huge opportunity to get more positive reviews if you have a system in place to follow up with patients after a visit. Reaching out to patients and asking them one question is all it takes. Your clients will feel like you value them and their opinion, you will have an opportunity to make adjustments where needed, and patients will be reminded to share their experience with others.

They Aren’t Very Happy with Healthcare

Overall, Generation Z is not satisfied with healthcare as it stands. They are looking for better care quality, convenience, and transparency. While lack of satisfaction may seem like a hurdle to you, it is actually another great opportunity.

These young people are actively looking for better medical care and communication. Only 55 percent of them even have a primary care physician. This means you have a huge group of people out there looking for something better, and you know where they are looking—online!

Do you have better care to offer? Are you a forward-thinking practice making things easier for your patients with more online capabilities? Are you transparent about what tests you are performing and upfront about cost? Great! Can people learn all of this about you by reading your five-star online reviews? If not, you’re at an extreme disadvantage.

You have an emerging network of young people ready to come to your practice, ready to write reviews and tell their friends all about you, without being prompted. Generation Z is out there, and accessing this network of interconnected people is an advantage you can’t miss out on.

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